Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Great Purge!

Disclaimer: there is no Stalin in this post, and it's only WIPs being purged, not members of the Soviet Communist party. To the best of my knowledge anyway...

Still beavering away busily on the Luna Moth shawl (over halfway there now, yarn wise anyway, and it doesn't matter how many repeats the pattern says if I don't have the yarn to do them, so yarn wise works for me!), though I'm still feeling a bit 'meh' about all the other things I start. My short-at-the-best-of-times attention span is really playing up lately.

Anyway, I'm hoping the problem will be alleviated soon when my tasty yarn arrives. I ordered some shiny lovelies from The Yarn and Fibre Company (because of the exchange rate at the moment, it actually works out cheaper to buy a lot of brands online from US vendors, even taking shipping into consideration), and they should be here soonish... *salivates in anticipation*

So, I figured that since there's shortly going to be an influx of shiny new yarn, I should try and purge the WIPs a little to try and clear some mental space for the new projects I have in mind. There are too many things on my Ravelry projects that are 95% finished (i.e. just needs seams, zips, etc), too many things hibernating that deep down I know I'm never going to resume, and too many things that aren't even recorded on there that are lurking in my room, waiting for my whims to turn in their favour. Too many things, period. So a decision was reached - I'm going to try and either finish or banish/frog as many of them as possible before my nice new yarn gets here. This is possible an unwise resolution to make, given that I'm working buckets over the next while, and have an assignment to write for Monday week, but oh well. Sometimes it feels like I get more knitting done when my plate is full of other things anyway. So we'll see how we go...

And boo, I'm sick again. Stupid cough. I had to miss the newly running Coburg area Stitch & Bitch on Thursday, and was thoroughly unimpressed by this, since it was heaps of fun last time. Oh well, next time I guess...

Anyway, off to purge, and possible make a completely counter-productive yarn shop raid. Hey, leave me alone - it's my last day off for two weeks, so I can do what I want dammit!

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